Name B jai Abhiram Rollno 13 This is an online Elog book to discuss our patient deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians sign informed consent. CASE DISCUSSION A 74 year old patient who is a resident of Narketpalli, a retired RTC driver has come to the OPD with chief complaints of 1) Body pains since 5 days 2) Vomitings since 2 days 3) Inability in swallowing of solids and liquids since 1 day 4) Slurring of speech since today morning. HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS 30-8-2021 The patient was apparently asymptotic 5 days back. Then he developed Generalised Body pains of duration 5 days, insidious in onset. He took medication from Local RMP and noticed no relief Vomitings since 4 days of about 3 to 4 episodes everyday which are non bilious, non foul smelling, non blood stained, non projectile and contained undigested food particles. Inability to swallow both solids and liquids since 1 day Slurred speech since today morning which was sudden in o...